Fotosession mit Manuel Bruges
Kurz vor dem Jahreswechsel hatten wir das Vergnügen bei eisiger Kälte von Manuel Bruges, einem Fotografen aus Japan abgelichtet zu werden – natürlich bei der Tätigkeit, der wir am liebsten nachgehen. Hier eine Vorabauswahl der Fotos – in Kürze werden einige der gezeigten Fotos als Pressebilder zur Verfügung stehen sowie unsere kommenden Artikel schmücken.
An dieser Stelle einen riesigen Dank an Manuel Bruges, der sich so hingebungsvoll der Aufgabe gewidmet hat. Thank You!
Auf der nächsten Seite eine Biografie von Manuel Bruges (Englisch)
Born in Lisbon, Manuel Bruges spent his 20′s in New York and his 30′s in Tokyo where he lives still. After a very brief life as an assistant, first to a photographer who often made portraits for Forbes and Newsweek and then to another photographer who worked with National Geographic, Bruges started out on his own in the late 1980’s. His first assignment was about New York for a Portuguese newspaper – a half page (photos+text) for Expresso – and his second was for the Washington Post. Since then he says his life as a photographer has been a roller-coaster… While primarily a photographer, in Japan Bruges has had the chance to write as well. In Asia now for over ten years, but raised in another culture and having lived in both South and North America, he has found that his international perspective is often of interest to Japanese publications. What he originally regarded as a handicap – his lack of a true home – has been regarded as a strength by publications interested in presenting their readers a more global perspective on life.